CLT Course Description

Professional nutritionist meeting a patient in the office. young smiling female nutritionist in the consultation room. Nutritionist desk with healthy fruit and measuring tape.
Introducing an online study course that educates dietitians on how to optimally manage the challenging dietary component of IBS, migraine, arthritis, IBD, and other chronic inflammatory conditions.
CLT Course Description

Tens of millions of Americans suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, fibromyalgia, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and other chronic inflammatory conditions. So, what do these seemingly disconnected chronic inflammatory conditions have in common? As a norm, diet-induced inflammation, in the form of food and food-chemical sensitivities is at the root of the inflammatory process. In chronic inflammatory illness, food sensitivities are either the main reason why a patient is ill or an important contributing factor. In either case, addressing them is foundational to achieving optimal outcomes. Numerous peer-reviewed studies confirm this fact.

Unlike IgE-mediated food allergy, which tends to produce quick symptom onset and an easy-to-establish cause-and-effect relationship, food sensitivity reactions are usually hidden, making it very difficult to identify reactive foods. Food sensitivity reactions are a very challenging form of diet-induced inflammation for many reasons. Clinical expression is often dependent on the dose of the offending foods consumed, there are often many reactive food items, and there is a complex inflammatory process that is obscure. These factors lead to delayed symptom onset and multiple inflammatory symptoms across multiple bodily systems. 

Without completely addressing each patient’s specific hidden food reactions, clinical outcomes will be compromised. This is a simple fact. There are many clinical and therapeutic nuances to properly addressing food sensitivity-related illnesses. This specialized knowledge is not readily available in conventional dietetics or medical education. The primary reason these chronic inflammatory conditions are chronic is that whatever is initiating the inflammatory response is not obvious. Even when diet is suspected of playing a role, in most cases a guesswork approach or overly restrictive approach is applied. 

This is where an appropriately trained dietitian is needed.

The Certified LEAP Therapist Training Course

The Certified LEAP Therapist (CLT) Training Course has been created to provide a critical area of training not readily available to nutrition professionals in conventional curriculums. The comprehensive CLT training has been developed by a team of dietitians, physicians, immunologists, and medical business professionals with over 125 years of combined experience in treating food sensitivity-related conditions. This training is more than just interesting, informative, and educational – It is practical. The CLT course provides the trainee with all the necessary tools to effectively manage the dietary component of chronic inflammatory illnesses, while quickly building a private practice.

LEAP is the most strategic method of overcoming food sensitivity-related illnesses available. It has been used to successfully treat tens of thousands of patients with IBS, migraines, fibromyalgia, autism, ADD/ADHD, IBD, urticaria, chronic fatigue syndrome, obesity, etc. There is no other program that is as effective for patients or tailored to the clinical and business needs of the private practice or clinical dietitian.

Order the Certified LEAP Therapist Training Course today to make your practice more successful while helping hundreds of desperate patients get their lives back. Order online or call 888-669-5327 to place your order by phone.

CLT Course Description

Here are just a few of the topics that are covered in The Certified LEAP Therapist Training Course:

Applying Dietary Treatment for Food Sensitive Patients:

  • How to do a proper elimination and rotation diet
  • What to do with food families when food chemicals are reactive and why it’s critical to do this!
  • What is the most strategic method of building a truly healthy diet for food sensitive patients
  • How to get patients to focus on which foods they should be eating
  • Generating menu ideas, recipes, interesting food alternatives & substitutes
  • How best to educate your patient on oligoantigenic dieting

Diagnostic Testing for Adverse Food Reactions:

  • Which ones work, which ones don’t, and the scientific evidence that explains why
  • Why IgG testing is limited for IBS, migraine and fibromyalgia patients
  • Why diet diaries don’t usually help

Building Your Practice:

  • How to set your practice apart from other Dietitians with this unique Program
  • How to expand your referral base
  • How to get more referrals from your current physicians
  • How to get more patients to commit to lifestyle changes
  • How to be paid for services instead of relying on insurance
  • The right and wrong ways to sell your new services to physicians and patients
  • How to significantly increase practice income with LEAP

And much more.

The CLT Training Course includes approximately 12 hours of narrated powerpoint slide presentations divided into 8 modules, an Affiliate Dietitian Guide, a 50-page monograph detailing the physiologic basis of adverse food reactions in IBS and migraine, the proprietary LEAP treatment protocols, templates of all forms needed to implement LEAP into your practice, the certification exam and support of a LEAP Mentor.

To make your practice more successful while helping hundreds of desperate patients get their lives back, order the Certified LEAP Therapist Training Course today.