Jan Patenaude, RD, CLT
Jan Patenaude, RDN, CLT was the first Certified LEAP Therapist and LEAP Mentor and is co-author of the Certified LEAP Therapist training. After 15 years, she still loves supporting her colleagues in this therapy, working via telecommute since 2004. She has been a Private Practice and Consultant since 1986.
She has presented on Food Sensitivity, Inflammation, Telecommuting and/or LEAP at numerous National, State, and District meetings, including FNCE 2009 and 2014. She’s given Academy-sponsored Webinars and presented at a PCOS conference, at NKF and AADE Annual meetings, and the Loma Linda Medical University Annual Post Graduate Conference.
She was the DIFM (Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine) “Excellence in Practice” Award winner in 2010. In 2014, Today’s Dietitian Magazine listed her as one of the Top 10 RDs of the year. She was also the 2010 “Outstanding Alumni” for the University of Minnesota, Crookston.
Her writing has been published in multiple journals and magazines. She was a New Jersey Media Rep and had her own radio slot for a live talk show in Colorado.
Jan loves encouraging other LEAP Therapists to be proficient at LEAP, incorporating integrative and functional protocols to get clients well. As a mentor, she also provides you with marketing ideas and opportunities, as well as practice, telecommuting, insurance, technology, and speaking support.
She brings to mentoring her broad experience including hospital clinical, outpatient, and food-service management; LTC, HHC; rehab; hospice; group homes; HMOs; and WIC. She has worked doing supermarket tours and in a USDA Human Nutrition Research Laboratory.
She is a member of the Institute of Functional Medicine, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine (DIFM), SCAN, Nutrition Entrepreneurs, Medical Nutrition Practice Group and Dietitians in Gluten Intolerance Diseases (DIGID).
She looks forward to working with you. Reach out to her at Jan@CertifiedLEAPTherapist or 970-456-5086.
Susan Linke, MBA, MS, RD, LD, CLT
Susan Linke is a Senior LEAP mentor and co-author of the Certified LEAP Therapist training. She is also the owner of Food Sensitivity Specialists LLC in Dallas, TX where she specializes in working with patients that have chronic inflammatory conditions using functional and integrative approaches to medical nutrition therapy including the LEAP protocol for food sensitivity management.
Considered one of the most experienced CLTs in the country, she serves on the advisory boards for the Integrative & Functional Nutrition Academy (IFNA) and Oxford Biomedical Technologies. As a Senior Mentor for Oxford Biomedical Technologies, Susan loves to teach other healthcare practitioners. Since 2006, she has helped mentor over 2,000 CLTs individually and collectively. Susan’s goal for her mentees is to help them become excellent therapists in order to optimize outcomes, thereby improving patient satisfaction, referrals, and career enjoyment. One CLT said, You really “care.” You want to teach your colleagues the tools they need to feel confident. You explain things so well and in an easy way to understand and I am able to feel more relaxed and ready to make a difference in someone’s life. Another mentee said LEAP is what put the “fire back in my belly” for being a dietitian again!!! Many others say that LEAP has doubled their business!
Susan provides extensive guidance in the form of one-on-one mentoring, covering theory as well as a practical application of the LEAP protocols, going over patient results or even providing the opportunity to listen in on one of her virtual patient consults. Group interaction is also encouraged through the LEAP listserv or the LEAP practitioner Facebook page, where Susan is an active, daily “admin” and participant.
She is a sought-after speaker, having presented at numerous local, state, and national meetings and conferences, in addition to many radio interviews and contributions to magazine articles. She recently published a chapter on “Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The “Other” Inflammatory Bowel Disease,” in the international e-book AAPI’S Nutrition Guide to Optimal Health: Using Principles of Functional Medicine & Nutritional Genomics https://bit.ly/2wBvfH0
Susan is active in many professional associations including the Institute of Functional Medicine and many Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics practice groups (DIFM, SCAN, NE, DIGID, AIND). She is the 2018-2019 chair for the DIFM Nominating Committee and recipient of the 2015 DIFM Excellence in Practice Award. Although Susan has many things she enjoys doing in her spare time, her favorite activity is being a “fun Grammy” and spending time with her grandkids.
You can contact Susan at 469-233-0710 or info@susanlinke.com
Michal Hogan, RD, LD, CLT
Michal Hogan has been a dietitian for over 20 years and a LEAP Mentor for over 10 years. She started in dietary care, doing hundreds of tele-counseling sessions for referred patients in clinics all over the United States, but found the problem of food sensitivities so compelling, she left phone consultations and built her practice Nutrition Results, LLC from the ground up. It is now her goal to recruit dietitians in North America to help meet this growing need. Leaving tele-counseling was scary, and Michal had heard horror stories about reimbursement and was hesitant at first to take insurance. Today, Michal now not only is a preferred provider for most major carriers but also is the author of “Tactical Reimbursement” and could not have created a stable income without insurance support. Other CEU courses Michal offers through Meg Enterprises include “Food Sensitivity Series” and “Menu Planning Live”.
Michal is a public speaker for state dietetic associations and patient expositions around the country and is a strong supporter of dietitian reimbursement, licensure, advancing responsible integrative medicine, and evidence-based leadership within the field.